Professional Content Writing Services

Creating Content for People and Google

We create content that resonates with your audience, tickles a reader’s fancy, gets shared socially, and linked to from other websites. Quality content keeps people reading until the end, driving conversions. Our content writing services can elevate your marketing efforts from mediocre to monumental.

Optimized Content Writing

Fundamentally, SEO is all about optimizing a website for search engines. The goal of search engine optimized content is:

  • To make every element of a page/post(i.e. text and visuals) easier to understand for people and search engines
  • Rank better on search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • Drive targeted traffic

In order to please search engines and offer value to the people – who may be your potential customers – you need to maintain a balance. It is a tightrope walk.

Optimized Content Writing

We incorporate the following kinds of content in our SEO and people-friendly content strategy:
  • Product & Landing Pages: They are the main pillar of e-commerce business or any business that drive sales through their website. A product/landing page that is written to drive conversions also serves as a PPC landing page.
  • Blog Posts: Blog posts help in building authority, credibility, and above all — backlinks. Building backlinks and authority of a landing/product page is difficult. A blogpost does this job by passing its authority to the product/landing pages.
  • Articles: News, events, and interview articles for news or magazine sites.
  • Listicles: List posts are one of the most link-worthy and most shared content on social media platforms. List post also ranks well on SERPs.
  • Checklists: A checklist is a list of items required to do a job. For example, the checklist we make before going out for a wildlife photography tour or buying groceries. The same idea can be extrapolated to writing a checklist of any kind of business or industry.
  • How-to Guides: A How-to-guide is a blogpost that explains the steps required to do a particular job. A how-to-guide breaks down a complex process in simplest and sequential steps.
  • Case studies: Case studies are indispensable for gaining credibility and social proof. They also offer an opportunity for customers to share their stories and experiences about the product(s) or services that a business is offering.
  • Infographics: Any data, facts or information can be represented in an infographic. People and search engines love infographics. A blog post embedded with an interesting infographic ranks better on SERPs.
  • Reviews: Product reviews have become all the rage. We all look for product reviews before buying a product. A review page — that is ranking well on search engines — will raise your product sales by a good margin.
  • FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) post lists all possible questions about a product/service and their answers in the simplest form. FAQs can be embedded in a landing or product page. A landing page with embedded FAQs ranks well on SERPs — particularly for voice queries(questions asked through Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, or Apple Siri).